Korvena-Kosakovska, Anna

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    Skills Tracking System as a Digital Solution for Student-Centred Learning (SkillTrack)
    SkillTrack project aims to integrate the understanding of self-directed learning, digital learning environments and skills tracking system in higher education to promote student’s learning experience, by bringing together partner universities from 4 different countries – Rīga Stradiņš University (Latvia), Arcada University of Applied Sciences (Finland), The Protestant University of Applied Sciences in Ludwigsburg (Germany), and Baskent University (Turkey). SkillTrack project team has develop a concept of a pedagogical framework and methodology in the context of self-directed learning, using a skills tracking system as a tool, to promote evidence-based discussion between public and educational institutions, and employers and to facilitate dialogue to align learning outcomes with the needs of the labour market to reduce skills mismatch. Erasmus+ project “Skills Tracking System as a Digital Solution for Student-Centred Learning (SkillTrack)” 2021-1-LV01-KA220-HED-000023077
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    Type: Informatīvs materiāls / Informative material
    Author:   Grigoroviča Evita   [5]
    Created: 2023-01-01
    Modified: 2024-04-10